Mobile Game Design. Sign up for Treehouse. Character Design: Part 2 1:47 with Jake Fleming. Design the enemy characters utilizing the same 3 design principles of form/function, style, and personality. Approach their design the same way that you would your main character. Remember the sketch that we shared with our team.
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Instructor System center configuration managerallows you to create custom device collectionsso that you can more easily managethe devices on your network.To create a custom collection go tothe assets and compliance workspaceand then right click on device collectionsand choose the create device collection option.This is going to launch the create. The only problem is you need character design for your app to make it look as awesome in real life as it does in your head! Well the good news is you found the world’s leading character designers and we’d be happy to get your app looking amazing. What goes into great character design for apps and mobile devices? Those character sizes that increased the amount of scrolling on the small device screen produced lower levels of factual recall than typesets that better condensed textual information. These results provide several interesting suggestions for the future design of small devices and mobile interfaces to protect learning.
When designing a character, we need to think about form/function, style, and personality. Utilizing these 3 design principles will help you design better characters and ultimately engage players.
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When designing a character, we need to
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think about form and function, style andpersonality.
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Utilizing these three design principleswill help you
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design better characters and, ultimately,better engage players.
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Form and function, simple shapes, andlogical forms are more easily understood
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by the human brain and more versatile whendrawing characters at different angles.
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Style: use proportions and contrast andshape to your
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advantage in the same sense that mostchildren's cartoons do.
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Big eyes, big head, small body, etcetera.
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The two previous principles directlyaffect the character's personality.
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By giving your character rounded features,a big head in proportion to
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its body, and large eyes, it willundoubtedly look cute and cuddly.
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But if you give it a tall slender body,sharp angular facial
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features, and smaller eyes, the characterswill take on a more evil personality.
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If you were to reverse the roles of thesetwo
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personalities, it might not immediatelymake sense to the player.
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So with those principles in mind, let'ssketch out our main character, Space Cat.
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We've got our document open with the scenewe drew earlier.
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Let's hide the scene folder and also theHUD folder.
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Let's create a new folder called Spacecatand then
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create a layer inside that folder calledSketches Space Cat.
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Now I'm just going to grab our blue brush
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and start drawing a few variations of bodytypes.
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He's in space, so he will have a big roundspace helmet on.
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So we'll start with the circle for that.
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Let's draw a few different body types forhis head.
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Just by drawing those two simple shapes,you can kind of start
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imagining what that body type could do forthe personality of Space Cat.
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Different proportions will imply differentcharacteristics.
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The tall skinny one looks kind of like anormal proportion for a person.
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The middle one looks cuter with a bighelmet and smaller body.
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The one on the right looks kind of like abody builder.
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Now let's draw a few face variations belowour body types.
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Now we can choose which combination welike best and develop it further.
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I tend to gravitate toward drawing cutethings,
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so I'm going to choose the middle body
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type, and I also this sketch of the middleface will go well inside of the helmet.
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So let's ago ahead and move that faceinside of the helmet.
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First, create a new folder called SpaceCat HUD.
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Then, create a new layer called, BaseSpace Cat HUD.
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Let's sketch a face resembling the one wechose inside the circular helmet.
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Let's turn our HUD back on.
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We'll replace the circle we drew initiallywith our new base Space Cat HUD.
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Add some details like bushy cheeks.
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Then duplicate that layer, and drag itinto
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our Spacecat folder, and rename it BaseSpace Cat.
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Let's drag it over next to the bodies andposition it into place to our middle body.
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Now, let's erase the face, keeping onlyoutlines of his head.
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We're doing this because space cat will be
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facing away from us and controlling amachine.
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Let's duplicate sketches space cat, hidethe original,
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and delete everything but the middle bodytype.
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Now, we can flesh out this body tag.
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Let's merge these two layers.
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You can multi select two layers by holdingCmd, and clicking the
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multiple layers that you wanna select, andhitting Cmd+E to merge them.
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Let's go ahead and flesh out this bodytype.
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He's in space, so we'll give him a littleoxygen pack and space suit.
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Add some gloves and boots too.
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That's looking pretty great.
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Let's go ahead and create a new layer forhis outline.
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- 5:59
Let's add another layer for Space Cat'sshading.
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Let's also go back and do the same thingfor the Space Cat Hunt folder.
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Let's just add to the layers we madeearlier for the HUD outline and shadows.
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Let's delete the circle that we have forour Outline HUD.
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Let's cut and paste this outline that wehave in
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our Outline HUD layer and paste it intoSpacecat HUD.
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And then finish outlining the face.
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- 7:06
I'm basing Space Cat on my cat, and my catis a tuxedo cat.
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So we're gonna draw line through his faceand then just add the shadows.
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Let's turn the scene folder back on andposition the Space
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Cat folder down to where the bottom centerof our screen now.
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We're going to draw the machine that spacecop will be controlling next.
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So create a new folder called machine.
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And the new layer inside called basedmachine.
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We're now going to draw a machine similarto the one we sketched on paper.
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It will resemble a giant computer withsome buttons for space cat to push.
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I'm going to start drawing the machinewith the space cat folder
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visible, so I can judge the right size weshould make it.
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Once I get a basic outline.
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I'll go ahead and hide the space catfolder and finish it out.
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Now we'll outline it.
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Let's mask the scene folder, so we don'tsee
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the ground going through our machine andspace cat.
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And shade it.
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- 8:50
All right, that's looking great.
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All that's left now is to design ourenemies,
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which is exactly what we'll do in our nextvideo.
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Design the enemy characters utilizing the same 3 design principles of form/function, style, and personality .
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Creating the enemies will be pretty muchthe same process
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as creating our space cat character and isjust as important.
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Your enemies need a personality of theirown and you should
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approach their design the same way thatyou would your main character.
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Remember the sketch that we shared withour team.
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We had a wiener dog enemy in a space shipand a
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more generic looking dog with just ahelmet, free floating in space.
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I wanna develop those characters morebecause I think they were a
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good starting point and the team seemed torespond well to them.
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So when you're done finding the rightcomposition for your enemies, the
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same way you did for space cat, you mighthave something like this.
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Then you just follow the same process of
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outlining as we've been doing for eachenemy,
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and add the shading.
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Make sure you're staying organized withyour layers.
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Next you can save it and look at it onyour phone.
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Just go up to File, Save for web, and justhit Save.
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After you've looked at it on your phone,and everything looks great, let's
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save a .png of just our seen layers,without the enemies or space cat.
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[SOUND]Let's call
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it referencing.
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Next, we'll save a .png of just ourcharacters.
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[SOUND] And we'll hide the background
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layer, because we want transparency.
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And we'll call this file, ReferenceCharacters.
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Now that we have all the elements sketchedout at the sizes we
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want, in the next video, we'll dive intocreating our high fidelity assets.
Character Design For Mobile Devices Download Free
Character Design For Mobile Devices Downloads
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